Monday, August 20, 2012

Musical Monday : Mims

Monday, Monday why you come so fast? Haha.

Yes, another Monday is here. My birthday is fast approaching and I am hoping to really kill it in the gym in time to drop a few pounds to look as young as I can, while feeling old as heck!!

At this moment I am feeling every year of my age. So to really bring the burn at the gym I must have the most pumping music to jam to while sweating it out. So to make the bike and elliptical suck a little less I bring you Mims - Move If You Wanna. I always find myself bobbing my head and wanting to shake my booty when this song comes on. Have a listen and shake your booty!!


 Now come on didn't that just make you pumped to get moving???!!! Me too!

 Till then, smile often!




Sunday, August 19, 2012

To pin or not to Pinterest?


That is the question. Are you currently on Pinterest? If not why?? Hello!! Pinterest is amazing! It is an online pin board of ideas, recipes, crafting, teaching tools, decorating and basically all things amazing. I have made a lot of different things from Pinterest. For my best friends baby shower I recreated this punch:



[caption id="attachment_113" align="aligncenter" width="192"][/caption]









Here is the version I created.


[caption id="attachment_115" align="aligncenter" width="158"] My Version[/caption]







Here is the centerpieces from Pinterest:

[caption id="attachment_114" align="aligncenter" width="192"][/caption]

For my version I chose Blue since she was expecting a boy:


[caption id="attachment_116" align="aligncenter" width="158"] My version[/caption]


I also worked on a coffee cup cozy this weekend, keep in mind I used what I had in stock so the color of the ribbon isn't my first option. Since there was no pattern either, the link was just to a picture I had to create the pattern from scratch so I think the second one I make will be slightly different.

Here is the inspiration piece:

[caption id="attachment_117" align="aligncenter" width="222"][/caption]

Here is the version I created:


[caption id="attachment_119" align="aligncenter" width="300"] My version[/caption]


This is just a few of the projects I have done from Pinterest but I also used a few ideas to help decorate my office, and made a few of the recipes too for parties. So far everything I have made has come out amazing but I am sure some are harder than others. So has this inspired you to get crafting, baking or decorating? If so join Pinterest and let's follow each other and inspire each other to make a few more projects!

Till then, smile often!



Monday, August 13, 2012

Musical Monday: 30 Seconds to Mars

Another Monday in the books and so I bring you another Musical Monday. This may be the only way I am getting through this day! After a few days off from the gym I am looking forward to getting back at it.  I am soooo not a morning person. I walk my pup Seamus (see below - isn't he adorable!!) while rubbing my eyes like a two year old slowly waking. Even then I head home to read for a bit to prolong the actual getting ready for work part. LOL.

In order to stay motivated for my after work workouts I psych myself up with the kick butt hard rock to get the blood pumping and ready to rock it! So for this Monday I will be jammin out to 30 Seconds to Mars - The Kill.


This song always makes me run faster, and the video is pretty SWEET!!! It is like he is yelling at me to run!!! The band is fronted by Jared Leto and who doesn't remember him from My So Called Life???? If you don't you were living under a rock in the 90's or too young and oh boy does that make me feel old. Phew!

Well have a listen and get a good workout in too!!

Till then smile often!




Sunday, August 5, 2012

Musical Monday : Damien Rice

So I can't believe I am going to admit this, but I had never heard of Damien Rice or the song Volcano until Phillip Phillips performed it on American Idol. I like both versions and I was secretly hoping that Phillip would win, but I really love the original version too. The blend between the male and female parts are seamless and gives you the feeling of unrequited love. I never get tired of hearing this song, it always pulls at my heart strings. Have a listen and let me know what you think!



Till then, smile often!
