Friday, December 28, 2012

The Holiday Hangover does not like fitness!!!

Who is with me on this one? It is as if my brain is craving every sugary sweet treat after the holiday. It seems once you go off the wagon there is little much to stop the downward spiral to sweatpants. Which is what I will be wearing until I can fit into my regular clothes!! (Just kidding)


Getting back to a full time fitness routine has been tough but I am going to try to take this weekend to get in as much fitness as I can to help get me back into my routine. I was so used to working out at the gym 5-6 days a week, but since the holiday it is more like one day a week.



What motivates you to get back into your workouts after a few days off? Is there a person or thing that motivates you to get moving? Do you workout at the gym or at home?

I would love to hear from you and hopefully motivate each other!

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